2007.Feb.18, 06:12 PM
2007.Feb.19, 02:54 AM
There's no such things as requirements for crimes (none written at least) but I believe 4 or maybe 5 (pretty sure it was 4) intel was when I started to do them with a decent %.
2007.Feb.19, 08:09 AM
At least I've seen it succeed since I've posted. I've also been to jail 2 times because of it. I'm lvl 5 inteligence now, but I'm still something llike 1 in 10 for Simple Meth Lab.
2007.Feb.19, 08:32 AM
Crimes also go by your level 

2007.Feb.19, 12:58 PM
Yeah, ive been busted two times at this crime, failed four times and succeeded once. I was wondering the same thing. I am level nine and finding the most successful crimes are level 4 and under.
2007.Feb.19, 02:19 PM
I think when doing the crime it mention something about precision or carefully doing this or that; small hint that you may need more than just intelligence to do that crime. 

2007.Feb.19, 02:24 PM
I seem to do alright at the Simple Meth crime with only 3 intell. Definitely some other stats that are more important I would think. I haven't tried it more than 4-5 times (though each was successful) because I find some of the others more profitable.
That said, it's possible I just got lucky.
That said, it's possible I just got lucky.
2007.Feb.19, 11:03 PM
That's weird, I always made more cash with the simple meth lab than stealing clunker (on the average). But it's far behind so maybe it's my memory playing games with me.
2007.Feb.20, 02:37 AM
as eagle said, level plays a big part too.
But maybe accuracy or dexterity plays it's part too...
I'm doing complex meth lab nearly 100% with lv 6 endurance, and was doing simple comfortably with 3, but I don't remember ever having below 3 intel, I was on that for months, only recently moved up to 6 with PE400 and java programming.
I think it's mainly level that has the effect. At a lower level, you'll need around 8-9 intel to do complex, 4-5 for simple. Maybe higher still if you're really low level.
But maybe accuracy or dexterity plays it's part too...
I'm doing complex meth lab nearly 100% with lv 6 endurance, and was doing simple comfortably with 3, but I don't remember ever having below 3 intel, I was on that for months, only recently moved up to 6 with PE400 and java programming.
I think it's mainly level that has the effect. At a lower level, you'll need around 8-9 intel to do complex, 4-5 for simple. Maybe higher still if you're really low level.