Half of you were correct!
Name: NestaVipers [26054]
User Level: 50
*pops open the bubbly*
Congrats my friend!
*Massive Hugs*
Gratz Honey :-) Well Done, Trying to follow your example :-)
god our gang has some good levelers, gratz Nesta!

Well done my friend, nice work...
Congrats, I'm sure it's got to be a record. Youngest player to 50.


(2009.Sep.23 04:26 AM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]Congrats, I'm sure it's got to be a record. Weakest player to 50. 
funny dingy, her stats are prly are as high as yours if they wont be soon, and shes nowhere near ur age

cry bout it later w/ me?
Congrats on lvl 50!! Here's to one more!