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Full Version: 'Social' P.O.I section..?
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Pages: 1 2
(2009.Sep.21 11:18 AM)Gornikel Wrote: [ -> ]What about interesting stuff.

Most mugs cash / Most mug'd for

Total hospital time

Most berserked

Most sent flowers

Most forum warned

Most time banned

Biggest gang hoppers

Lowest stat vs lvl efficiency

I would much rather see these ones than how many mails people are sending.
(2009.Sep.21 11:25 AM)nathanket Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Sep.21 11:18 AM)Gornikel Wrote: [ -> ]What about interesting stuff.

Most mugs cash / Most mug'd for

Total hospital time

Most berserked

Most sent flowers

Most forum warned

Most time banned

Biggest gang hoppers

Lowest stat vs lvl efficiency

I would much rather see these ones than how many mails people are sending.

Agreed +1


(2009.Sep.21 02:58 AM)Batman Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:Awakened Lands Mailbox
Keep the Awakened Lands Postoffice Efficient!
Seems as if you have quite a lot of mail. Perhaps you should clean out your mailbox every now and then to keep the postman from going postal!

Inbox (4,758) | Sent (5,415) | Gang Mail (0) | Compose | Purge | Archive | Block List

Batman has been spending way too much time in his cave. Winky
(2009.Sep.21 11:18 AM)Gornikel Wrote: [ -> ]What about interesting stuff.

Most mugs cash / Most mug'd for

Total hospital time

Most berserked

Most sent flowers

Most forum warned

Most time banned

Biggest gang hoppers

Lowest stat vs lvl efficiency

that last one could come in quite handy


*waits for it* ...... *yawns*

Personally dont think Zen would be interested in turning AL into popularity contest. LoL... but been known to be wrong before. Erm. Like now? HAH. w/e

Everybody who's anybody knows who is who anyway.
Eek what?

*edit... i voted yes, ofc. O.o
(2009.Sep.21 11:18 AM)Gornikel Wrote: [ -> ]Biggest gang hoppers
Pages: 1 2
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