For melee/range fights, are these bonuses effective or not, for both specific careers, and with extended lvl increase.
I don't remember people talking about those... Looks like cps are too important, just like the gang options for defense on members and stuff, in exchange of gps.
excellent question... i often wondered myself.
It was semi effective..... i mean i tried it then stopped because it wasnt super great...
So no dont wast ur cp's

zenith says they are effective, i've never seen a really good benefit. they will help you in an even fight, but u have to spend like 100 CPs to see the effect (if at all), and its ONE fight. dont bother.
I agree. No noticeable difference IMO.
(2009.Sep.03 04:16 AM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]zenith says they are effective, i've never seen a really good benefit. they will help you in an even fight, but u have to spend like 100 CPs to see the effect (if at all), and its ONE fight. dont bother.
Yeah I wasn't really impressed with the ranged bonus when I used it.
I'd happily trade it (and the rest of the military abilities for that matter) for something a little more useful.
(2009.Sep.03 07:40 AM)Fallout Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah I wasn't really impressed with the ranged bonus when I used it.
I'd happily trade it (and the rest of the military abilities for that matter) for something a little more useful.
+1 melee bonus wasn't worth it either, i put all my cp into resistance now.
biggest waste of my c/p's EVER!