August 2009 34,658 36,220.56 405
pretty low.....
(2009.Aug.30 05:55 PM)biffbaffboff Wrote: [ -> ]Do it if you dare ^^
you do it
August 2009 38,001 89,607.43 514
August 2009 30,464 24,742.18 555
Had a good weak of power leveling in there so that hurt a bit. Plus I havent got to be that active lately. Excuses excuses.

August 2009 14,272 20,576.92 217
I only trained for half the month though. My house was on loan for half of it.
(2009.Aug.30 06:52 PM)superdude Wrote: [ -> ]Plus I havent got to be that active lately. Excuses excuses. 
August 2009 1,212 885.62 23 wow great month
August 2009 36,867 45,174.61 642
big low for me
August 2009 40,056 142,766.96 328
August 2009 23,280 9,712.26 272
Losing house + Training resistance. Otherwise, it'd be around 30,000-40,000.