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Full Version: how much cash do you make a day?
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generally speaking, I just looked at my bank deposits for the past few days and it averaged out between 10 to 12 K a day.

how about you?


I do the complex meth lab at about 98% and get an average of about 900$ out of it. If I'm on for 16 hours (it happens sometimes) that's 6ap X 12refresh X 16 hours \ 22ap = 52.33 * 0.98 * 900$ = ~47k

So a normal day would be 25-30K but I just spend too much on credits that I waste on refills or I give a lot of cash to lower players in the family or lose some at the casino...


What kind of stats does the complex meth lab take to be successful?


reliably? decent level (20+ I'd say) and minimum 6 intelligence. I'f you have more intelligence you can lower the level you need to be. all that is just my observation though, not necessarily accurate.


I started to do the complex when I had I think 7 intel but didn't had such a good %. I have that % of success since I got about 10 intel.


10 is overkill for meth lab, definitely not necessary in the least.


Indeed, 10 is not necessary but at 12 I still can't do much of the "higher" crimes that requires intelligence. Seems frauds and forgery aren't all about intel. Smile
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