Does anyone know what happened to the link to apply to a gang? I saw it just yesterday but it's not there today.
Thanks for any help you can give me.
Nevermind. I found out the reason. Apparently, that gang is full now.
You are serious???
Please tell me you just kidding....

It was a legitimate question,
and she already edited the post when she realized the answer.
Lay off making fun of people in the Game Assistance tab,
that's what it's here for.

(2009.Aug.30 02:55 PM)Prophesy Wrote: [ -> ]Lay off making fun of people in the Game Assistance tab,
that's what it's here for.

He cant. That's the only way he feels good about himself, though it makes him look more like an asshole than people already think he is i see this is just a lvl 8 bad.
hey give im a break hes just asking a question Whether its stupid or not dont hate on him