my name is Preacher and I got a roulette problem.
I'd offer counselling...but i m in the middle of a poker tourney...
well I would help but im not very good with helping people when im drinking.....

can't help....busy with a roulette wheel
*large group of people say in unison* "Hi Preacher"
Hi Preacher....
My name is Batman and I....and I....and I can't win at roulette....

let me win for u in some roulette.
Man, on one of the games I play I have been on tilt tonight. ALL the others Im doing awful. I usually have my wife or kids pick my numbers, but the wife is a little off tonight.

I'd like to remind you Preacher that there is a Diacese established for helping men of the cloth with these sort of things,
say 10 hail-Marys with your dice in your left hand and you'll be absolved