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So i was talking to someone about this, And i really think the reputation transfers in gang wars should be tweaked somehow.

A one point reputation transfer per attack just doesnt make sense. If a gang of level 20's attack a gang of level 5's, every attack nets 1 rep.

If that same gang of 20's attack a gang of level 19's, every attack nets 1 rep. (right?)

why? Is it really respect-worthy to beat up on a gang which isnt really even challenging you? If the Cali Cartel roughed up a petty pusher, would that have earned them the same respect as warring the MedellĂ­n Cartel? no way.

I dont have any suggestions on how to fix the numbers involved... ill leave that for any of the other "formula crunchers" out there if anyone has any suggestions.

I guess the way i see it is that through war you are "stealing" respect from another gang. If that gang isnt nearly as respect-worthy as you... you wouldnt be stealing as much respect. Does this make sense?
i suggested something like this before and it went like this

gang A vs gang B

in gang A you have lev 20, lev 15 and lev 18

in gang B you have lev 5 lev 8 lev 15

when the lev 20 attacks the lev 5, the respect taken should be 5/20=0.25

lev 15 vs lev 15 = 1 respect

lev 8 vs lev 18 = 0,44 respect

to me this sounds like the most reasonable suggestion and easiest to build into the matrix, and could stop the "harvesting" of respect.

I was actually working on something last night right before the server outtage, but I like your idea a little better than mine.
Thanks Zenith Biggrin
So would you give it a slight extra modifier for defeating a higher level person than yourself?

What if the person is only at half life and you are at full life, will it still be the same amount of respect earned?


Ya I can remember several occasions back in our younger days with the theafers that we'd have to have someone soften people up to half hp before we'd hit em for respect. doesn't seem right to get respect for a kill that you didnt do yourself. or for a lvl 20 to hit a 5. Hopefully we'll seen what zen's got up her sleeve soon.
I think that Zen could easily put in modifiers for health once she got the basic formulae. like 20% less respect if target has under 80% health.

But having someone doing the tanking, softening targets up before hitting is a good tactic, and if that would give less respect that would be ashame. Cause it would make fighting up rank alot harder.

and i think by the formulae i mentioned fighting up would get rewarded

defender/attacker= respect

say you got someone to soften up a lev 28 before the lev 24 attacked, and the lev 24 won

Ok, on our development server I have a working rendition of what will hopefully be our new respect code. Hopefully I can explain this where others understand.

Respect is not based on the opponent's level completely. It's based on level and statistics. These combined give a general power level to the code. I will leave everyone in wonder by not giving the exact formula.

If the attacker wins and is 10 more than the defender in power level, the attacker gains nothing. The defender still loses 1 respect. REASON : Everyone knows that this person should win, and thus no respect is given. No one wants to associate with someone who is constantly beaten down on, no matter what, so the defender's respect still decreases.

If the attacker wins and is 10 less than the defender in power level, the attacker gains 5 respect. The defender loses 5. REASON : Major upset.

If the attacker is within 2 of the defender in power level, the winner gains 3 and the loser loses 3. This is virtually two equals.

If the attacker is 3 to 9 greater than the defender in power level and wins, the attacker gains 1 respect and the defender loses 1. REASON : This is still a mismatch, but there is still a chance the attacker is going to lose.

If the attacker is 3 to 9 less than the defender in power level and wins, the attacker gains 4 respect and the defender loses 4. REASON : This is an upset, but not a cinderella story. Perhaps the defender was weakened in some way that made the fight close.

Now I know this isn't a perfect solution, but I feel it is better than what we have. The majority of battles will be the +1 / -1 variety as we have now, since everyone fights people they know they can beat. Looking at our combat history, this will be 75% of all fights. This also prevents gangs from "harvesting" respect from gangs who have no chance at all. It will still drop those gangs down, but with less incentive to do so by the stronger gang it will happen less.

This is still in development because I want everyone's input. So fire away.


sounds pretty good. Clearly explained too. I like the fact that a gang can still be destroyed by a "goliath", but the attackers will get no respect.

Factoring in statistics was also a good move.

Sam I Am

I like it so far. Should give evenly matched gangs some fun as well as making every victory count for the weaker gangs.

As far as leaving me in wonder about the formula....

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