the travel discount thing has been implemented for a few weeks now,
who's seen this proc?
As of yet,
I've not seen a discount,
in fact,
I'm curious to see what the page looks like when you get it.
my Rep is 4 currently, not huge, but high enough to make me 47th in AL, and I've not seen a rebate yet,
who has, with what rep, and how often?
And can I use this thread to also pander for some more updates for Rep? Being the hardest thing to raise in the game and all, so far my investment in it has seen only slight returns.

I've gotten 1 discount (rep 2) it was going from DD to rural I think... It was for a minuscule amount. Like 30 bucks or some other pittance.
Had a few trips with savings
I've had a few trips......
I just so happen to be in the market for some blotter, I'll take a page, book, or strip
(2009.Aug.27 12:04 PM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]I just so happen to be in the market for some blotter, I'll take a page, book, or strip
I've got a little stash of some paper in my freezer. It's clean, but very mild. I took one before I went out to some guido club the other night, made for an ear to ear drek eating grin and by the end of the night I was known by at least half a dozen fake names.
I just traveled around every district now and received no discounts and my rep is 5........attempt on staying on topic here.
Send a brother some, surely I have something you could enjoy....
Rep 4, got him a few times. Goin' to midlan, he cut 10% off.
i got the bonus once, im pretty sure i was moving from DD to Indy so it was very small, like 20-30$
the update's been around for ages,
still at Rep 4,
just got my first discount.
Saved 17$!
I know people flood the forums with begging and whining and making their cases for this update or that update..,
but I mean c'mon..,
This is THE hardest stat to raise in the game,
lower career point conversion rate than anything else,
and not even creditable like End or Int.
Trainers are decent,
but ridiculous cash for modest gains,
hard to see a bigtime difference (and one that's worth the cash),
unless you have uber housing or end.
I think that a stat that's that hard to increase should have some added functionality.