About 45 mins worth from 4.15am till around 5am today.Sucked! Even the forums would not load up.
yeah had this problem too
4am is the usual "daily maintainence" time, but usually takes just a few mins, maybe there was some kind of update being loaded, or something else, dunno
Zen was transferring me millions of credits because she likes me best.
She asked me to tell you guys that you suck.
I believe it was actually a hosting issue or a ISP problem, as the server has no log of any downtime. Some people were actually able to log in and the server was still running. I'll keep tabs on it tonight to see if something like that happens again.
(2009.Aug.26 08:45 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]I believe it was actually a hosting issue or a ISP problem, as the server has no log of any downtime. Some people were actually able to log in and the server was still running. I'll keep tabs on it tonight to see if something like that happens again.
thanks zen!
and she told me you suck harder g2o2