(2009.Aug.24 12:53 AM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ]this smells like a jamestheshiner pyramid scheme.
Reguardless of what you think, I can tell you this, I made 46k off of this.

I missed out on it this time.
But last time Punisher did this I made a good chunk of money from it. Then I kept trying to tip him for it, and he kept gambling the tips and making more money

(2009.Aug.24 08:08 AM)BadLuck Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Aug.24 12:53 AM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ]this smells like a jamestheshiner pyramid scheme.
Reguardless of what you think, I can tell you this, I made 46k off of this. 
i have no doubt that this is legit, it was more a snipe at jamestheshiner