Fortunately I will be teaching a cooking class in the AW jail. It is BYOS (Bring your own shanks) for the class though.
we should have this in the pantheon, longest sentences.
that would be good except leave out the jail terms with bubba that skews it a little. I think Angel has the winner there
yeah, they would have to be jail sentences received for doing regular game things.
Throwing out all the "illegal" jail terms and adding section in the patheon, sounds like a good Idea to me!

haha, I win
You're in the The Farm for 864 minute(s)! now I'll be teaching cooking 201, how to make toast.
a MUCH tougher class. at least you cant burn boiling water
exactly, this is the one where we weed out all of the people who just won't make it.
Todays class kids will be over Basket Weaving

I'll teach the under water basket weaving class