2008.Mar.27, 06:43 PM
2008.Mar.27, 06:51 PM
look i never donated money here niether yet but if u be
train hard
crime alot
join a gang that will help u out a lil
can do whatever u can 2 be good if u try
train hard
crime alot
join a gang that will help u out a lil
can do whatever u can 2 be good if u try
2008.Mar.27, 09:21 PM
New school courses would be darn nice. It's been almost a year since I finished all of them and there are some older players than me in here.
p.s. For the record, Zen deserves to get paid for her efforts and she does get what I would call a nice pay, at least she used to. Don't use this as an argument, it shouldn't change the way the game is or is developed.
p.s. For the record, Zen deserves to get paid for her efforts and she does get what I would call a nice pay, at least she used to. Don't use this as an argument, it shouldn't change the way the game is or is developed.
2008.Mar.27, 09:32 PM
You know you dont HAVE to donate to raise those stats if you want you can also refer people and get credits to raise those stats from their referalls as well as save up a load of ingame money and buy loads of credit from the credit market. So there ARE options for people that dont donate itll just take longer to get done but it surely isnt impossible
2008.Mar.27, 09:47 PM
Hiei008 Wrote:You know you dont HAVE to donate to raise those stats if you want you can also refer people and get credits to raise those stats from their referalls as well as save up a load of ingame money and buy loads of credit from the credit market. So there ARE options for people that dont donate itll just take longer to get done but it surely isnt impossibleThe two people i have refered didn't use the referal code

2008.Mar.28, 09:42 PM
, there seems be to alot of ego coming out here from one player, did somebody wee wee in your drink this mourning,,biff you may own all you say you do, but you have no right telling any player they do not belong here,have you served your country? or did you stay home and hide ,so if you want a to talk trash, talk to the adults, not to a child like that, maybe thats why you hide behind anybody you can, good luck 

2008.Mar.28, 09:47 PM
shadowinc Wrote:have you served your country?
What the fuck does that have to do with anything? You seem to think you're entitled to more in life and game since you served. And you talk about ego...
2008.Mar.28, 10:10 PM
what in the hell does serving your country have to do with anything regarding this situation? nothing, nothing at all is the only answer. and since when does choosing not to serve your country mean that you're staying home and hiding? last i checked there was no draft and people chose to serve their country here. no need to make an attempt at insulting someone by saying they're hiding for not serving their country just because they didn't make the same career choice as yourself.
2008.Mar.28, 10:14 PM
just trying to prove a point , he wanted to tell a 14 yr old he had no right playing and would not get anywhere because he did not donate and supposed to have all these things like a home and all, nouthing about ego,just proving a point 

2008.Mar.28, 10:17 PM
mudpies Wrote:shadowinc Wrote:have you served your country?
What the frag does that have to do with anything? You seem to think you're entitled to more in life and game since you served. And you talk about ego...
i just want to be like my hero, you mudds, you know the ego you have always carried, well i guess you rubbed off on me :wink: