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Before anybody says "threads like this always come up" and "it's just you" and "welcome to random lands" and "shut up!" please answer the following:

Has anyone noticed a significant drop in crime successes as of late.

My bread and butter is (and has been for quite some time) stealing a sports car... I usually do quite well (85-90%).

The last week I've been hovering around 70-75%. Today alone I'm only 2/6 successes. Seems strange.

Anyone else experiencing this?

Thanks, guys and gals. WinkyWinky
yes, i have been getting the "gray" letters a bunch...... and my daily percent has gone down by about 3%. not too significant but it is still odd.
Exactly... I haven't been getting jailed any more/less... just not being successful.

Lots of gray responses.
I guess I took over all of the good spots. I've been doin' pretty damn well.
Shut up
it's just you


i think that having 86.3% avg so far this month and last month is weird with over 200 crime dones.
but then again i am a mental case.
I could triple the payout and reduce success rates by 1/3rd. Bandit
haven't noticed any changes. if anything, it seems my success rate has improved slightly.
(2009.Aug.19 01:20 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]I could triple the payout and reduce success rates by 1/3rd. Bandit

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