The Ionized RazorWhip is known on the streets as a LazorWhip. Equipped with a negatively-charged stun sensor along its length, this weapon creates an additional shock effect when a successful hit is scored. Knowing how to use this weapon not only requires a 28 dexterity, but also a 17 intelligence due to the quick reactions needed to avoid injury of use.
is it just me, or should it say
Knowing how to use this weapon not only requires a 17 intelligence, but also a 28 dexterity due to the quick reactions needed to avoid injury of use.
Is it me, or are you the only person bothered? I never even checked the description to see if you was right, because nobody actually cares.
(2009.Aug.19 06:59 AM)badmanbren Wrote: [ -> ]Is it me, or are you the only person bothered? I never even checked the description to see if you was right, because nobody actually cares.
lmao he is the only one on here that can be f ed to look through everything, and dude no that is how it should be because you need intell for the thought to make the quick reactions... *sigh* learn some more about intell before you post...
edit: spelling mistake
quick reactions are based on reflexes, which would be your dexterity. "knowing" how to use a weapon requires knowledge, or intelligence.
i just noticed it as i was trying to figure out if i was going to convert to shottie, blunt, or LBM for my PvP.... cuz zen just added another level of INT to cestus which makes it no longer appeal to me.... as that means another month till I can equip it (classes)
(2009.Aug.19 07:37 AM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]quick reactions are based on reflexes, which would be your dexterity. "knowing" how to use a weapon requires knowledge, or intelligence.
i just noticed it as i was trying to figure out if i was going to convert to shottie, blunt, or LBM for my PvP.... cuz zen just added another level of INT to cestus which makes it no longer appeal to me.... as that means another month till I can equip it (classes)
you didnt listen to me did you, its not all about knowing to use the weapon, but you need intell for the quick reflexes, e.g: training to use this such weapon in a way to be able to wield it and do some serious damage... that's where the intell is used, so that it can be used for such quick reflexes, and yes dexterity would be a part of that, but you need the intell for the complexity of such a weapon
I think what it means is you need both to not injure yourself.... you can have all the dex in the AL world, but if your dumb as a stump your not going to be able to react fast enough to not injure yourself.
But who knows, maybe it is worded improperly.
(2009.Aug.19 06:36 AM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]The Ionized RazorWhip is known on the streets as a LazorWhip. Equipped with a negatively-charged stun sensor along its length, this weapon creates an additional shock effect when a successful hit is scored. Knowing how to use this weapon not only requires a 28 dexterity, but also a 17 intelligence due to the quick reactions needed to avoid injury of use.
is it just me, or should it say
Knowing how to use this weapon not only requires a 17 intelligence, but also a 28 dexterity due to the quick reactions needed to avoid injury of use.
wow. you should prolly get a tag for finding a potential wording flaw.
I should of got that long ago..
Anyway, it doesn't really matter, man. Either way, to be honest. Dexterity makes you nimble, so you can easily maneuver around the weapon, but intelligence tells you how to work around it so that you don't get beat up yourself.
I don't recall adding any extra intelligence requirement to the weapon. If the description doesn't match the listed requirements, then it's a typo. Go by what's listed below the weapon, since that's what the system checks.
no zen I just was wondering cuz i thought the wording was backwards. tommi said what i was trying to say in different words.
i was saying
Knowing how to use this weapon not only requires a 28 dexterity,
knowing how to use a weapon requires intelligence...... so i thought the line should be read as
Knowing how to use this weapon not only requires a 17 intelligence,
and I thought the second line
but also a 17 intelligence due to the quick reactions needed to avoid injury of use.
reactions is agility, the ability to move suddenly and/or move quickly, thus, dexterity, thus it should be read as
but also a 28 dexterity due to the quick reactions needed to avoid injury of use.
and yes I am anal retentive but there are worse things out there.