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Full Version: The Scary Re-Grouping
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Quote:picture of Anna was edited out by Sam I Am

LOL, sure, NOW the mods get busy...damn you sam

j/k of course...


Jack Daniels Wrote:
hawk187 Wrote:Sportsbook is open again Biggrin

Sarge wants to know if their will be prop bets?

Like the over/under of 500 on total emails sent to the opposing gang by NightTrain during the war. lol

ahh Sarge u just jealous cause I sent more mails to the others than I did you Razz

anyways wat war? I dont know bout no stinin war


2 Darn good obvious reasons if you ask me!!

10 000$ on a stalemate war after a week. The odds on this are surely like 98/3 ??

p.s. By that I mean that gangs will simply send surrenders and stop fighting because none of them had gained more than 10-15 points over those 7-8 days.


No one told me about war!! :cry:
me neither Razz ill be attending LostAngels cooking class


there's a cooking class? sick, count me in.


Cooking with Angel 101: How to boil water


you put some in a cup and then put it in the microwave right? thats the best way right?
NO NO NO Matt, you don't use a cup! You stir it in a metal stirring bowl then stick bowl and all in the microwave! Twisted


Ya metal makes the water boil twice as fast, Angel will ocver that in lesson 2
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