2007.Dec.22, 07:00 PM
2007.Dec.23, 10:07 AM
biffbaffboff Wrote:Just admit you like my idea of having a gang war vault.5k per gang war winner automatically gets the $$ from the losing gangs vault.Gangs can only be attacked at 75% of thier full strenght and its a purely 1 gang v 1 gang war.No piggybacking and you cannot have 2 wars going on at 1 time.If the losing gang doesent have the funds to pay the other gang from thier vault that gang then becomes the property of the president of the other gang "war reperations".Money cannot be put into your vault during a war so you would have to keep the funds securely in place at all times.
Bad idea IMO. Many gangs would just want to hit the inactive gangs and take them over and not have to worry about upgrading as they can just recruit into the new gang. Bad idea on the money issue also as like before the inactives would be hit constantly. We would lose more players than we could get back to the game with everyone quitting. If the new system is not so good then "DON'T WAR".
2007.Dec.23, 11:24 AM
Scorpious Wrote:If the new system is not so good then "DON'T WAR".
oh cripes. that's just like saying "if you don't like the new system, don't play the game" or "if you don't like the administration, move out of the country". People voice their opinioins because they want the game to be the best it can be.
2007.Dec.23, 01:40 PM
mudpies Wrote:Scorpious Wrote:If the new system is not so good then "DON'T WAR".
oh cripes. that's just like saying "if you don't like the new system, don't play the game" or "if you don't like the administration, move out of the country". People voice their opinioins because they want the game to be the best it can be.
Well said.
2007.Dec.23, 03:01 PM
True that the inactive gangs would be taken over.false that would be a bad move as there would be more usable gangs out there for sale at a cheap price or to add to a family and that all the brand new players would be approached to join them.Then as they are brought into the gang they can find out more about it and the game.
inactive gangs suck! Id rather have new players looking at this game and getting an invite.You never know plenty would probably stay around then.
inactive gangs suck! Id rather have new players looking at this game and getting an invite.You never know plenty would probably stay around then.
2007.Dec.24, 02:37 PM
I'd like to see gangs divided into 2 categories. Hardcore and Normal modes. This option would be selectable by the gang pres. Those in normal mode would gain points for upgrades in about half as much as currently gained and would not be able to be destroyed. Those in Hardcore mode would gain twice as many as currently available BUT can be destroyed by the old means, not the new means, of warring and killing their members.
2007.Dec.24, 05:32 PM
TheGeek Wrote:I'd like to see gangs divided into 2 categories. Hardcore and Normal modes. This option would be selectable by the gang pres. Those in normal mode would gain points for upgrades in about half as much as currently gained and would not be able to be destroyed. Those in Hardcore mode would gain twice as many as currently available BUT can be destroyed by the old means, not the new means, of warring and killing their members.
Now that is a great idea that is something i would think most gang presidents would like to see then if the prez that moans about his gang getting destroyed can not moan due to he chose his route by choosing hardcore so yes i think that is a brill idea it would keep gangs from getting bored so i think it is a good idea mate

2007.Dec.24, 06:47 PM
Of course hardcore mode and normal mode would have to be limited to once every 24 hours otherwise the prez can choose hardcore, hit a smaller gang that is hardcore and wipe them out, and then choose normal mode again and keep from getting wiped out himself or herself.
2007.Dec.25, 05:49 AM
Last change in the old war system before it got replaced was that if people attacked someone much weaker, he didn't gain respect for his gang, he only made the other gang lose respect.
And maybe that could be entered into the gang war system now?
A chance to lose gang war points through PVP combat, this way people would be more hesitant to pick their fights, so that they wouldn't end up losing points. And if someone attacked another people with similar power they would gain points for their gang.
Wether dropping below zero gang war points should start taking upgrades, I don't know. And if you can only make gang war points during wars I dont know either, cause most wars are way too short to be a proper PVP war. And that's my main concern of the new system, the length of a war. 2minutes isn't a war.
And maybe that could be entered into the gang war system now?
A chance to lose gang war points through PVP combat, this way people would be more hesitant to pick their fights, so that they wouldn't end up losing points. And if someone attacked another people with similar power they would gain points for their gang.
Wether dropping below zero gang war points should start taking upgrades, I don't know. And if you can only make gang war points during wars I dont know either, cause most wars are way too short to be a proper PVP war. And that's my main concern of the new system, the length of a war. 2minutes isn't a war.
2007.Dec.25, 09:57 AM
Definitely no taking upgrades. I have only one (hideout HPs upgrade) and I would surely like to keep it. LOL