(2009.Aug.15 05:04 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]What's up with those things? Our gang is decently active, and we can barely cash out on the smallest ones.
Its because you all suck.
I think it's time for a nap, Biff. Baby's angwy today.
Its about time we had a dust up don't ya think? Come to me big boy.I am in Decatur beach!
There ya go.

Wow weak ass zerk! I almost killed ya.... Was thinking more along the lines of leave/mug but if you want to play I can rock all day.
That's nice. Almost wouldn't be the word I'd use, though.

(2009.Aug.16 04:25 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]That's nice. Almost wouldn't be the word I'd use, though. 
So a zerk that puts you in serious in not weak?
Meh Ima have to slap your flab boyo.
Someone's pissy, today. Sandy cracks aren't good, Biff.
Where did you run too?