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Full Version: credit/item market transactions
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I don't see why 1 would want to buy credits anonymously?!? What does it change if x person knows I bought their credits? Not like he's gonna come and mug my credits?!?! :shock:
zenith Wrote:This issue was addressed a long time ago.

Mugging someone to take their cash is part of the game. If it's not wanted, then it can be removed from combat options. But it is definitely part of combat for a reason -- those who carry a ton of cash will always be at risk.

I know people don't like having things taken from them. But I don't think making the market completely riskless by putting all cash received immediately in the bank is the answer.

You cannot see who's selling credits because people wanted something a little more anonymous. It can't get more anonymous than that, but there will always be someone who gets a lucky mugging in and swipes 65K in one hit (or two).

I can see a solution that would be considered a posting option.
  • All postings will be with the person's name listed.
  • If the person posting credits/items on the market wants to remain anonymous, then it will cost them a fee.
  • If the person selling wants the cash immediately deposited into their bank account, it will cost them a transfer fee.
We are entering our ninth month of operations and there have been 35 muggings that netted the attacker more than $5,000 in cash. 17 of these were due to 1 player who has been retired for awhile. So in 258 days there have been 18 other attacks that resulting in $5,000+ cash being taken. Since there have been over 100,000 attacks, this is almost so rare that it's a wonder why the option is still available for combat.

hmm creator said mugging for cash is part of the game
Going to the way-back machine aren't ya?
This is an awesome topic, although nowhere does it say, that you should be attacking the person online and mugging them for the credit money. I know there is no rule against online attacks, but it is a courtesy for players not to take away from their game playing and enjoyment.


It is pretty F****** up if somebody mugs you online for the cash because you just sold your credits. I hope people that do that get some serious payback coming their way. Now if somebody was offline then......


hmmm.. :shock: so it should go something like this,
you scout the credit market, looking for just the right deal. you find a listing for credits that suits what you can afford. before buying the credits you check to see if the seller is online but they are not. " oh well, not my problem " you think. suddenly, you realize your gang fees are due. and since no 1s looking..... THUD!!! Twisted you whack the offline credit seller and make of with the credits and his earning. you alomst feel bad but, better him then you, right?

something on those lines, huh?


if anyone complains about being credit mugged, refer them to the warning everyone sees as they post their credits. While I keep my credit mugs to offline players, you take the risk of getting online mugged too. Don't say the game didn't warn you.
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