does an ares ionized katana hit better then an ionized axe?
In PvP, absolutely, hideout attacks go axe
ion axe if for wimps, the Federated arms medium assault hits better then the ion axe in wars with a lower MA.
He was asking for a comparison of katana v. axe, not every other weapon in the game
just sayin

im just working on str and dex

well im goin with the katana
(2009.Aug.08 08:55 AM)asianlmfao Wrote: [ -> ]well im goin with the katana
I'm with the axe right now, and it's showing NO good results. Although it's ONLY a combat axe, I have only hit one hit for 300+. It should be showing the $150,000. It's not worth it. Go for the Katana, young man. Or Shotgun..

yea i hit a 349 the 2nd day then it really started to suck