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Full Version: Anyone know what these rating means?
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Availability Rating and Concealment Rating for your equipment

what does it meant?
From what I've heard its stats that are going to be incorporated in a future update.

this has been the case for ages now, so, who knows.

I think I heard a theory that the concealment rating will come into play when you are jailed for a crime,
a high concealment rating will allow you to hide your illegal gear from the wardens, thus getting a lower jailtime than if you were "caught" with it


Availability is how easy it is to find/get, the higher it is, the rarer the item is. (all uniques with only 1 example have like 25 I think).

Concealment is how easy it is to hide the item from others.
Look at the 07.August.26 update
You are the man, Thor!

Yeah, I was curious. Because, my TiB2 armor has a 25 for it's "Availability Rating". While my level 60 weapon has a 0 for the same rating. Thought it was weird.
Zenith Wrote:Not all added information is currently in use, but will be used in future additions to the game.
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