Being able to send small items(Like DeMags and crowbars and other tools) into the jail cells of your friends.
With these items, they can bust themselves out
DeMags would be a bit more useful
New item expectations
Possibility of being caught with these items
If caught, you are sent to jail, and items are stashed in personal effects bins/evidence
Illegal items will need extra energy and/or AP to gain back
like try to steal your item before you bust out. i like it
That was another thought. Using EP/AP to get your items back before/after you bust out, if you're caught with 'em.
good idea, but it should cost money to send the items into the jail. morgan freeman taught us that you can get anything into prison, for a price.

kinda off topic question, does it matter if your items are legal or illegal atm? is there any disadvantages of it being illegal?
(2009.Aug.06 01:12 AM)buuddha Wrote: [ -> ]good idea, but it should cost money to send the items into the jail. morgan freeman taught us that you can get anything into prison, for a price. 
That could be another aspect that I thought. Pay crooked cops to get items out. Paying them to put the items in would be cool, too.
As for the illegal/legal spectrum, there ain't really any use for it, in this point in time.
I'm with you 100% on this, Behemoth. I like this idea.
Kinda like stims? the items should increase the chance like %10 %20 %30......%100. i think that is a better idea. but im just throwing that out there
Hell no, its jail after all
dingus, never heard of slipping in a file with a birthday cake?