2009.Aug.04, 05:48 PM
i was thinking the other day, careers are GREAT xp and cash for a player under level 10, but those amounts of money and XP are the SAME for someone who's level 60!! Now, i dont think careers should be a HUGE source of income/xp (even though they are, hrm, "Careers" !!!)
well here's my idea:
your level
________ X (current XP/$$ for your career level) + (current XP/$$ for career) = New Xp/$$
for example:
if you're level 45 and a level 5 martial arts (just throwing random numbers, i dont know actual $$ and XP, just work with me here)
assume for level 5 martial arts you average out $20 per hour and 35 XP
45 / 10 = 4.5
4.5 X $20 + $20 = $90 per hour
4.5 X 35xp + 35xp = 192.5xp (rounded up or down) per hour.
yes it is more, and this could be adjusted, maybe more or less of a multiplier, like maybe divide by 20 so that overall number would be less significant. i also made it so that level 1's would not be "punished" by something like this.
but i just felt it a little odd that a level 60 earns the same cash and XP as a level 1. just wanted it to be fair
well here's my idea:
your level
________ X (current XP/$$ for your career level) + (current XP/$$ for career) = New Xp/$$
for example:
if you're level 45 and a level 5 martial arts (just throwing random numbers, i dont know actual $$ and XP, just work with me here)
assume for level 5 martial arts you average out $20 per hour and 35 XP
45 / 10 = 4.5
4.5 X $20 + $20 = $90 per hour
4.5 X 35xp + 35xp = 192.5xp (rounded up or down) per hour.
yes it is more, and this could be adjusted, maybe more or less of a multiplier, like maybe divide by 20 so that overall number would be less significant. i also made it so that level 1's would not be "punished" by something like this.
but i just felt it a little odd that a level 60 earns the same cash and XP as a level 1. just wanted it to be fair