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i was just wondering what chance people have of passing a test in skills.
like for example, if your long blade skill is at 70%, what is your chance of completing? is it 70%? or alot less..

just wondering, as it takes forever to rank skills up now lol.
First off: You can't even take the test until 75%.

We've had this go around and around and around before. The community had decided it is best to wait till you're at 99/100% and take the test and ensure you'll pass it and take the "code" out of it.

We've all had experiences where we've tested at 95% (fail and drop), 90% (fail and drop), 85% (fail and drop)... etc.

I've taken 4 tests in a row (starting at over 95) and failed 'em all in one day.

I'm about to take a level 7 test... at $49K... it's smarter w/ my time and $ just to ensure I'll pass by being at 100%.

Do yourself a service.

Long answer short: No. The percentage you see is NOT a percentage of success that you have when you take the test. It's much, much different.
ive passed with a 80% with a lot of luck!!!!!
i've passed my rank 8 with 75% after failing it 3 times in a row
I've passed it when low % too... not the point guys...
yeah, it gets pretty expensive, so i wouldnt want to risak it anyway, but i just wanted to hear opinions, if more people did it on low % and succeeded it could cut months off lvling your skill.
Yep, but it'll be a big kick in the ass if you fail whenever you're higher up there in rank. Some people're too damn lucky, though.
(2009.Aug.02 02:02 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Yep, but it'll be a big kick in the arse if you fail whenever you're higher up there in rank. Some people're too damn lucky, though.

What's your highest skill in?
The highest skill I know off is at least 10. I saw a tag for it awhile back, not sure who had it though.
(2009.Aug.02 06:50 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]The highest skill I know off is at least 10. I saw a tag for it awhile back, not sure who had it though.

Damn, that's crazy. I'm just now working on level 3. If it was back then there could be someone over that by now..
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