Suggestions to be add up in game stats:
(all in 24 hrs)
no. of successful attacks
no. of people checked in hospital
no. of stalemates
no. of people caught attacking
yea, that'd be interesting for sure. I'd like to see how many attacks have been done in 24 hours, find out a) how active people are attacking in general, and b) what days they're most active- I've already got rough ideas on both, but to see the actual figures would be cool.
you can see that in events sent. 90% is from attacks.
although splitting up and showing how many of each would be nice

We could also add a category in the pantheon of who fended oof the more attacks (only when you won or wiht stalemate, whatever yopu guys prefer).
Ask Chiefeagle, he knows why im saying this.

It seems like people would like a Your stats section, similar to the home page, but with more of a look/feel of the Pantheon.
Some suggestions for headers:
Stats, which has:
Stats gained in last 24 hours
Average stat gain/day
Stats needed to next stat level
Number of attacks total
Number of attacks last 24 hours
Average number of attacks/day
Successful attacks total
Stalemates total
Attacks failed
Number of defences total
Number of defences last 24 hours
Average number of defences/day
Successful defences total
Stalemates total
Defences failed
Number of crimes total (ideally by crime type)
Crimes in last 24 hours (ideally by crime type)
Average number of crimes/day
Exp gained from crimes total
Money gained total
Money gained in last 24 hours
Average money gained/day
^^^That would be VERY nice
Well turns out I need to recode the stats page to be closer to the Pantheon anyway since it is the longest loading page on the site. So suggestions are welcome. Any stat I can put up there I will, but it will need to be split up in clickable sections to reduce load-time.
Jail bust % is already in the jail page but id like the option for stats to see how much more i need to lvl instead of how much i have now (like a 3rd category in the preferences). numbers, the green graphic and points needed to lvl for stats.
are we talking about game stats or our own stats? cos my stat page loads fine, it's game stats that take a while to load. And it seems far more logical for THAT to be split up.
My additions I'd like;
(under PvP)
Successful attacks in last 24 hours
Failed attacks in last 24 hours
Stalemates in last 24 hours
Successful attack rate in last 24 hours
(under jail)
Successful busts in last 24 hours
Failed busts in last 24 hours
Successful bust rate in last 24 hours
(jailtime in last 24 hours)
If the player stat pages are being redone, my major thing I really want is to have an overall stat bar that accumulates all your battle and work stats into 1 stat, and translates that into a level, based on the same system stats are now. Then we can calculate our overall dev points in seconds, rather than going through the addition process, and compare within gangs, to see how we're doing. This would be an addition I'd have loved for ages.