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Full Version: What would your future plans be for AL
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bla bla bla bla bla,

you all have crazy imaginations for grown men and women, its a simple game, keep it simple.


(2009.Jul.31 01:49 PM)JagerBomb Wrote: [ -> ]bla bla bla bla bla,

you all have crazy imaginations for grown men and women, its a simple game, keep it simple.

If you want simplicity, go play peggle or tetris. RPG's are ABOUT depth and imagination.


(2009.Jul.31 02:02 PM)TheGeek Wrote: [ -> ]If you want simplicity, go play peggle or tetris. RPG's are ABOUT depth and imagination.

Tetris can get pretty crazy, though.
Yea Jager, STFU!!!!


How about the politicians having more say in AL.
Taxing area's ,council tax, gang extortion, forcloser of gangs.

Just a thought.P.s I have 0 politicain.

An AL police department,with AL members.Use your career in police enforcement to throw your enemies in jail,corrupion obviously.

Npc hitman squad.Pay the hitmen 20k a time and they will take anyone out for 300+ mins.

Drug store.Buy your LSD here.Happiness increase of 5 per refresh,slightly affects your ability to fight.

Gang jump.Choose 2/3/4 players from your gang to launch 1 simultanius assault on another player.

Weekly gang war's for control of 1 AL district.Owning the right to your district means anyone traveling through your district has to pay a toll to the gang.10% of the travel cost goes straight to the gang.

Taser guns.1 attempt per 2 hours.Launch a taser attack on an opponent.If successful the opponent will not recieve any ap/energy refresh for 15 mins.
To have cyberware-removal implemented finally.
Legal Ganja!


Root out botters and district control by gangs.In that order.
what Dingus said. i think i would like my career to be AL if they legalized ganja......
Oh! not in RL ok...what JR said
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