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Lets disect exp.

Supposing I take on tommi and defeat him and I get 350 exp
Then I hit him again and win again for 350 exp
Then another battle and I lose and I get scammed for 400 exp.

3 battles 2 win's grand total 300 exp oh and the cost of 7 stims.

On the other hand I hit SK

350 win
350 win
350 win

1050 exp and no cost.

Where is the value in hitting similar standard players?

If I hit Tommi and the new code was in place lets suppose I got double exp for the wins = 1400 exp.
-400 for the loss

Total exp 1000 and the cost of 7 stims and 4 nimbus bars.

The way its set out now with such heavy loses when you lose no player, even with the double exp code, will benefit from it.

I think the loses exp needs changing.Its too much for a loss.Lose 100 at most.
I think the overpowering needs raising to around 3/4 of a standard win so roughly 265.
If this was implemented then the new code would seem much easier to work with.

If anyone else has examples of hitting players a similar power level,with wins v losses v exp earned please post and lets try and work through it.

I know what you are saying Rambo. Personally, I think Zenith see this issue.

On a close battle, we do get a slight boost in experience from the new code. That should balance out the % of losing X amount of experience of losing.


The point is this.
In order to get the double exp your win has to be a critical win.Thats rubbing close to the line right there.

If the risk reward was better no problem.But when you are slammed for so much exp loss when you lose its no good.

Thats the whole crux of it.
i just made a thread about this. i think there needs to be less of a loss...maybe not for attacking inexperienced players, but at least for attacking and losing, or getting attacked i dont think that should affect you xp negatively either


Yeah but Your thread needed some Rambo style facts to support it.

Attack Type Overpowered by Defender
Attack Result Loss
Total Combat Rounds 34
Experience Points Earned -379.0
Hospital Minutes for Loser 53
Attack Time Jul 21 2009 - 4:20:58 am
Defender's Last Action Prior to Attack Jul 20 2009 - 11:11:34 pm

A loss I took to Tommi a few days back

-379 exp

This result I just got now against the fallen,higher level similar stats apparently

You honorably defeat TheFallen in combat. You walk away and let your defeated opponent sulk in their own misery.

Experience Earned : 459 (Due to the difficulty of this combat, you have received extra experience!)

So I got double exp yet only 459 in total.

My guess is if he had not got me to critical I would have gotten 230 exp...

Go figure why the system is fucked for losing close battles.
I hit the sameguy 3 times with similar results
Level 38 player

1st fight 380 exp
2n fight 407 exp with bonus message
3rd fight 383 exp

With Tommi 3 fights

1st 429 exp with bonus message
2nd 293 exp
3rd 302 exp
you guys care way to much about this


I've been telling about the huge gap of xp for winning vs the same player for what? bah, just about over 2 years now?!?...

As for the double xp, where did you took it was double every time? And even less since yesterday:

Quote:09.July.23 -- Repealed the XP penalty for easy fights. Will look for better solution. Tough fights still give bonuses, but not as much.
I think its just peachey and acceptable from the results I've seen
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