AwakenedLands Forums

Full Version: My sister
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has a bunch of old Barbie Dolls for you guys. If you're interested in changing hobbies just let me know and I'll sell you a few for cheap.


Have you been playing with them after biting off with X Pat members....

just wondering.........
ask your buddy who overpowered him right before i bit off
We've seen your sister. No thanks.
LOL...spending alot of creds of lower level players too I see
Damn, you cut me deep.
You've been here long enough to understand how the refreshes work I would think. I prefer not to hide behind my upper level guys like yourself so I participate once in awhile. Need credits? They were free anyway.
Why so blue panda bear? Your not the only weak level 36 out there, dont fret!
Yea its Lover
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