I recently received an email about being able to start a riot in the jail. To further expand on the idea here are my thoughts. To form a riot, you must have at least 15 players in jail and each one would need to spend at least 1/2 their energy to start the riot. There would be another link next to bust and bail once 15 people are in jail called riot. Once you click on the link, it will put you into a "dormant" state until all 15 rioter have clicked riot or someone busts you out of jail. At this point calculation is done to determine who gets beat down by the riot police and who escapes. The ones that get beat down are then transferred to the hospital for double there original jail sentence. (Got to make it little risky)
One of the coolest ideas i've heard in a while... especially considering i'm sitting in jail right now!!
How about you get an option. If you want to riot, you can't get busted. If you want to get busted, you have to sit there innocently and not riot.
wouldn't that be the same as either choosing the riot button or not choosing the riot button? I'm confused on what your trying to say.
I agree if you choose to click the riot button, no you can't get busted
I would still keep a minimum number of players required to riot, in order for one to start. Say 10 or so. and have the listings of each name tell who is rioting show (Rioting) next to their name where the riot option is for you. Also I'd do away with the energy requirement since generally when players are busted theyre doing crimes and have already spent their energy. (then again, it still refreshes in jail so maybe have a 1/3 requirement)
I think you should lower the amount of people needed to be in jail.
Think about it, it's rare to have 15 at any one time. To have all 15 online too is incredibly rare. This is the kinda thing that could be really cool if it happened more often.
I say you need at least 5 people to incite a riot, but it DOESN'T have to be in jail. After all, not everyone in a prison wants to break out- they know the risks. They're happy to do their time quietly and get out.
When a riot is incited (like busting) there's a risk of getting caught and having a bigger jail sentence. There's also a chance of getting put in hospital. The more of you trying to bust out, the better chance you have of getting out- those with smaller jail sentences have a better chance, due to lower security.
I'd say for cost, 1/3 of energy, the same as AP. And if you get out successfully, it gives you some XP. There's gotta be a payoff to this too, because the chances of EVERYONE getting out will be slim, and it's pure random chance.
It would cool I guess to see riots happening but who here remember the last time they did more than 10 minutes before being busted? Except maybe those who get over 600 mins when caught attacking and they are rare.
Even the new guys that get low jail times usually get busted by other low levels pretty quick.
I can see the fun of it but not the point.
sounds to me like your saying that jail busting should be tweaked to make it slightly more difficult

Haha, no, it's already annoying enough when you get caught trying to bust your friend who got jailed for 31 minutes and you're lvl 21 with a high dex rate.
I just fail to see where it could be useful for 10 people to call on a riot to get out of jail, without the opportunity to get busted out while they wait for the other 9+ person to click the same button when you already know your chances of some1 busting you out in less than 5-10 minutes anyway are close to 100%.