Can I earn a tag that says WSPSUX just because?
Don't want a loser tag? But it fits your gang the best!
(2009.Jul.16 11:56 AM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]We dont want our tag.
You particpated in the compo, Connie have you never heard it's the taking part that counts? Easy to say it when you've won I guess. I mean, won twice.
(2009.Jul.16 11:56 AM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]We dont want our tag.
HAHA... dont worry most damage, and the boobie prizes don't get tags
Wow, connie lost out on the tag too, double LOSER!
1.1 mil for souls not bad... EVEN THOUGH i found the contest to be unfair because the BIGGER gangs with alot more people get less cash to split. Althouh the smaller gang like souls has like 12 people so they get more cash when they split 500k into 12 people plus the 600k for other things.
If it were our gang we would have to split only 300k with 25 people.

Who says any gang would even split the money between members. Im sure souls will use the money to open up a slot or 2.
it was a cripple fight anyhow.
(2009.Jul.16 01:20 PM)Prksoilder Wrote: [ -> ]1.1 mil for souls not bad... EVEN THOUGH i found the contest to be unfair because the BIGGER gangs with alot more people get less cash to split. Althouh the smaller gang like souls has like 12 people so they get more cash when they split 500k into 12 people plus the 600k for other things.
If it were our gang we would have to split only 300k with 25 people. 
they are in a gang with 12 people and they took down sv's fort.
you are in a gang with 25 people and i cant remember if you guys took down sv's fort, but thats not the point.
who do you think would have had to work harder?