having the ability to chart your wealth on AL like historical bank balances etc in a line chart? i think it would be handy.
I don't see how this would help. Also you have the last 25 events already.
yeah but they only show how much you are depositing or withdrawing. it also isnt a graphical representation which makes it less easy to interpret.
What? All you need to know is the amount in there isn't it?
what im trying to explain is like a line chart which plots your wealth increase over time from when you started. i guess to see how effective you are at gathering wealth.
Month Success Jailed Attempts Rate Cash Cash/Attempt Exp Jail Time
February 2008 43 0 50 86.0 % $151 $3.02 24 0
March 2008 182 9 270 67.4 % $2,178 $8.07 182 441
April 2008 135 26 267 50.6 % $6,499 $24.34 186 2,312
May 2008 207 5 272 76.1 % $11,791 $43.35 815 382
June 2008 717 22 861 83.3 % $48,819 $56.70 1,812 1,697
July 2008 454 27 560 81.1 % $82,599 $147.50 2,832 3,529
August 2008 465 30 567 82.0 % $137,680 $242.82 3,158 4,459
September 2008 512 30 631 81.1 % $218,284 $345.93 5,054 4,786
October 2008 420 20 484 86.8 % $197,666 $408.40 4,201 3,417
November 2008 617 18 724 85.2 % $360,499 $497.93 6,458 3,231
December 2008 715 24 854 83.7 % $593,296 $694.73 9,506 4,967
^^^^like this???
Batman you are a tool, that isnt a chart or graph you ding dong....but i still dont see the point anyways...like bren said all that matters is what you have now, not what you use to have....
forget the past!! go outside and have a blast!!!
Forget that Johny B, he's a retarded pussiey.