Why the funk not. This is like a sponsored silence where you don't have to give all the money to stinking charity.
Send Cash
You sent $5,000 to Zenith [2].
Sure im in sending 5 k now.
(2009.Jul.15 05:55 AM)Weathers Wrote: [ -> ]Why the funk not. This is like a sponsored silence where you don't have to give all the money to stinking charity.
Send Cash
You sent $5,000 to Zenith [2].
Lmao, you have a point. Zen should keep the money to help aid of the game then maybe?
I'm diggity down fo' shiz!! 5k on the way Zenny!!!

i win
You sent $5,000 to Zenith [2].
Me too !

easy im in i barely ever even read the forum
you know best thing to do is go to prefrences and disactivate my Forum Privledges is what im gonna do
5k going to Zen