(2009.Jul.13 11:40 AM)PhisheVA Wrote: [ -> ]Sadly Blackjeep passed away in real life a few months ago.
he's still active elsewhere... not claiming to know or care either way, just stating what i see.
DW ill be a big A$$ i don't care if he is dead or alive tbh.
RIP.Got to show respect for someone who has died even if they were a tool.How old was he?
BJ isn't dead in RL, just in AL. As stated before in this thread, he's active else ware.

(2009.Jul.13 05:00 PM)biffbaffboff Wrote: [ -> ]RIP.Got to show respect for someone who has died even if they were a tool.How old was he?
Think he was like 28, not real sure though
(2009.Jul.13 11:47 AM)ShadowKid Wrote: [ -> ]No offence.
But wtf do i care.
For this, you deserve to be buried alive. He played a game with you, just a game. Remember that.
R.I.P. The Jeep.
It is only a game but i didn't know him in real life why the fuck should i care if he is dead or not. He could have been tortured to death and i still wouldn't of cared.