It was brought to my attention that there are some inactives that have some "valuable" items. I was thinking, why not put up an auction once every 4 months (3 times a year) for items that inactives are carrying. If someone is inactive for more than 120 days, their possesions are "bought back" and actioned off. If they come back after 120 days, at least they will have the buy back money to get them "restarted".
sounds good to me. Especially those new players that got serious rares in the raffle.. damn
kills me thinking of a christmas shotgun just rotting away in the hands of someone that created an account and quit in the same day

Hmm, the poll and your post are 2 very different questions.
I said no to deleting accounts for various reasons I won't explain here (I'm in a hurry, no time to type a 10 lines text) and I agree for the items on inactive but was thinking we could add criterias to raffles instead. Like a minimum of x days played or level (see my suggestions I'll post in a minute to see why) or anything to prevent situation like the xmas raffle where items of great value have been lost.
Maybe not permanetly deleted but hidden. I seriously do want to auction those goods off. Sad a shotgun goes to someone not playing anymore. I would love to see those items auctioned off. And the money could go to those players or start a free clinic for that problem you have Cheif

Anyway, pretty much, I want a dang christmas shotgun

So, no thoughts on this other than ours?
I am still new to the game and have not been around for a raffle yet.
I agree that rare items belong in the hands of those who would use them.
I agree to some set criteria for entry into raffles, though I have no clue what that criteria should be.
Not sure about an auction. Those with the cash would eventually hold most if not all of the rare items. Maybe a re-raffle to all active players?
I agree that inactive acounts should be deleted at some point.
In my opinion rare items are just that, rare. Whether or not someone is currently playing (and lets face it, things happen in life and i'm sure my internet gaming buddies would be the last to know if something happened to me) they still earned that item, and if they just get traded around in raffles and what not, they aren't really rare anymore.
Yes, but the xmas shotgun doesnt falkl in that categoryu since the guy who won it joined that day (the day every1 logging in that day had a free ticket) and never cane back after that. So he didnt exactly deserved it as he never played the game.
Others, id theres others, are, lost, i agree since any1 can quit at anytime for x reason.
We only remove accounts that don't have a valid email address. Other than that, inactive players disappear from the user list after 14 days of inactivity. If they log back in, the are listed again. Hence why our active user list is around 600 while the total players is close to 3000.
I know rare items might be won by a new player who never comes back. But I don't feel it's in the best interest in the community to take away from players who don't log in often. We'll have more contests for rare items.
TheGeek, you have changed my mind.
Would you suggest that after an account is inactive for X amount of time and is deleted, all items, cash etc. would also be deleted? This would also work if accounts were just "hidden" after X amount of time.
I would view this as fair play "In the Spirit of the Game"