Oh it does.
You are just ignorant to it since you're too busy having pillow fights while dressed in your nightie.
(2009.Jul.11 09:33 AM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]no it doesnt, bigrod.
haha, littlerod maybe. how quickly everyone forgot about that little wanna be escapade.
(2009.Jul.11 09:33 AM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]no it doesnt, bigrod.

had a fight just this morning with 2 over 1k and another 900....and some little pops in between
someone with high hp and not so high dex is who you want to look for
As always connie is late to the party. I know level 9's that have been doing it for like months!
1.) BlitzKrieg takes their best shot and misses.
2.) You hit for 1000 points of damage. BlitzKrieg resists 43 for a total of 957 damage.
3.) You hit for 1024 points of damage. BlitzKrieg resists 26 for a total of 998 damage.
You honorably defeat BlitzKrieg in combat. You walk away and let your defeated opponent sulk in their own misery.
Experience Earned : 309
Hospitalization Time : 40
i bet its the first where the first 2 attempts were hits are 1000 pters! tag worthy!
But they were only 958 and 998 hits.
(2009.Jul.17 07:30 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]But they were only 958 and 998 hits.
no they werent. read again, slowly and outloud.
Actual hits were for under a thousand, nice try though