Is there a player you wished would never log in to AL ever again?
Mine is 100% without a doubt SomeGreekGod8x or whatever his new name is now.
isn't this sort like putting a bullseye right on your forehead?
Dunno why you think that. Everyone in the game has a nemesis. I am not name calling or anything.
I can't imagine this thread will stay open long.
Canosoup Wrote:I can't imagine this thread will stay open long.
i agree so much with you

oh i can think of one def way to easy
filthymick Wrote:isn't this sort like putting a bullseye right on your forehead?
Damn right it is!
g2o2d4wp Wrote:Dunno why you think that. Everyone in the game has a nemesis. I am not name calling or anything.
How are you not name calling. You called me out by name!!!
Start sending the mods emails about me abusing you, if your going to call me out here, I'll give you something to call me out on for.
Happy Holidays
What I don't get g2o2d4wp, is why your so much of a puss to email me in-game. You know I barelly check the forums now, But I got told about this thread. I thank the person for telling me, I will of course not say who it was.
name calling in a sense of profanities or personal statements about you is what I meant by not name calling.