You are in the maximum security cell block. You cannot bust out of jail at this time. Wait until your jail time is less than 267 minutes.
Nope, it's always been there.
You need to have higher dex and level to overcome it.
im lvl 20 i can bust people out to up to 402 minutes!! IT HAS NOT always been their because i busted myself up to 300 minutes about last week...
been there forever, check your jail recorder for best self bust, pretty sure it wasnt 300 mins if it says 267 today.
Its happened to me.

Blame Gerber or something
your self bust is lower then your ability to bust others
(2009.Jul.08 10:01 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]your self bust is lower then your ability to bust others
I always thought that it was the other way around. I might be mistaken though.
I cant bust above 279 for self and my highest bust is 490.