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Sender : Orion [7362] online
Date : 8 July 09 @ 6:28:43 pm
Subject : LOVE the new code

What the hell is this guy talkin' about..?
Onions a cool guy.


Lol thats funny.

Also LOL Whoa i think someone is either

A.Drunk or B. in need of glasses.
Prolly a nice way of saying he kicked your arse...

Just sayin....
(2009.Jul.09 06:08 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Prolly a nice way of saying he kicked your arse...

Just sayin....

Nope..He lost twice, and he came up with that gem..Wondering what the hell he's talkin' about, now.
(2009.Jul.09 11:06 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Jul.09 06:08 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Prolly a nice way of saying he kicked your arse...

Just sayin....

Nope..He lost twice, and he came up with that gem..Wondering what the hell he's talkin' about, now.

he's being sarcastic, claiming that this "new code" made him lose.
That's just odd, though. Sad There's no new code to really be sarcastic about.
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