you're becoming a reference SK.. lol
Sorry SK just trying to help make you infamous.....

is anybody even declaring on SV? i would think soon as they come up to half alot of gangs would be jumping them, to scared or what?
(2009.Jul.13 04:02 PM)freeksta3798 Wrote: [ -> ]is anybody even declaring on SV? i would think soon as they come up to half alot of gangs would be jumping them, to scared or what?
Val dropped everybody to let Seven Laws have another go at it.
4765 ^V^ 11000101110000 40 304 Hospitalized by 11100011.
27243 ^V^ 011000110110000101 16 277 Hospitalized by 11100011.
5337 ^V^ SFTS 25 267 Hospitalized by 10011001.
8336 ^V^ 010110111 36 264 Hospitalized by 10011001.
21681 FMC Lexus 9 223 Hospitalized by 101001101.
4635 FMC Dragonz 28 213 Hospitalized by 101001101.
32153 {CRIPS} Aftermath 13 197 Hospitalized by Shadowguard.
27102 VS JREwing 18 181 Hospitalized by 1110101001.
23052 ^V^ 01000001 17 178 Hospitalized by 11100011.
8313 ^V^ 8675309 33 157 Hospitalized by 10011001.
19385 VS 00110101 28 143 Hospitalized by 010110111.
17574 FMC 0100100 19 140 Hospitalized by 101001101.
26516 Misfit 9 130 Hospitalized by Shadowguard.
25498 ThePunk 11 129 Hospitalized by Shadowguard.
14287 ^V^ 01010111 28 123 Hospitalized by 10011001.
17834 ^V^ 01110011 30 115 Hospitalized by 01000110.
22913 VS ViperSniper 15 110 Hospitalized by 8675309.
23795 porkchop 13 67 Hospitalized by 01001010.
26573 VS johnsonhalo 17 65 Hospitalized by 1110101001.
31415 SALE250k GANGFORSALE250K 9 64 Hospitalized by Demon.
4344 ^V^ Hops 31 59 Hospitalized by 110110110110110110.
29647 VS 01110001 15 54 Hospitalized by 8675309.
11039 ^V^ 01111010 30 49 Hospitalized by 110110110110110110.
26842 ^V^ Socrates 16 37 Hospitalized by ViperSniper.
27214 VS List6vl 23 33 Hospitalized by 8675309.
31947 {{RB}} MisterM 7 31 Hospitalized by Aftermath.
What have I been missing?