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Full Version: Gerber - trustworthy?
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Never had dealings with this guy.
He's solid, I'd say
Won a bit of money,
lost a bit.

I wouldn't be suprised if the people crying foul are just upset that they lost their dough, hey peops, thats why it's called "gambling".

To be fair though,
given the nature of his business,
as it has good plausible deniability and no oversight,
it would be very easy, (and very tempting) to take peoples cash..

Me personally,
I trust the guy,
but it's a risk, just like anyform of gambling,
perhaps even worse, because instead of betting against the house,
you're betting against the house, and against human nature,
(i.e. lie;cheat;steal;con;bacon)
i would like to hear teejayms opinon on gerber, apparently gerber bullies him all the time... i just think that its unfair.
oh well i guess you cant beat yourself up about it forever.
I've always thought Gerber was a solid player to any gang. Just has a habit of getting himself popular in bad ways. Besides, he's settled up any major debt he's ever had and has admitted to have used poor judgement at times.
hes a good man...
he is good in my books.


See this thread for ensuing hillarity regarding the topic.
You're as much of an idiot as you think he is
(2009.Jul.08 01:18 PM)xSleekx Wrote: [ -> ]See this thread for ensuing hillarity regarding the topic.

there were some ridiculous pyramids in that thread before they were removed.
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