who cares......

Ush managed to, somehow, leave Pun..Dunno how, but it happened.
Ush doesn't need to zerk Punisher.
I voted yes. I do believe ANYONE CAN ZERK ANYONE. You may not win but yes, you can zerk anyone, meaning I can zerk punisher.
as Ush said yes he can
would he win... now there is the real question

wheres the who cares option? this aint fair!
(2009.Jul.04 07:34 PM)McCule Wrote: [ -> ]Ush doesn't need to zerk Punisher.
to win...
If Ush used the zerk option on Pun, it wouldn't even be close.
I think some of you don't realize how much more power zerk gives to a player.
Gave me absolutely nothing when I tried it on Pun, earlier.