Your hesitation allowed the defender to get away.
Have you attacked that person alot within the last 24 hours?
Wow, thats crazy. Heard through the grapevine Zen has been working on something rather "significant" . This must be it
Combat evasion perhaps?
well i just kept trying and then pow...he was dead
Did it still cost you energy when he got away? That would suck.
Something is skewed with attack page, it's taking for ever to load as well, and not showing me any of the results of the attack.
(2009.Jul.02 07:11 AM)Weebay Wrote: [ -> ]Something is skewed with attack page, it's taking for ever to load as well, and not showing me any of the results of the attack.
happened to me two times and i lost energy and target didnt went to hospital

Yea I didn't even realize I haven't been getting credit for the attack, I'm just wasting my energy all morning

After reading this I attacked 4 times with no real change. I'll see what happens as my attacks go on