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I agree, its is only small increase:

+4 Res
+2 Str
+2 End

Zen, does that equate to a small increase in protection?
It's better than the TiB in terms of resisting damage. The stat bonuses were kept in the single-digit range early because this is the first armor with stat bonuses. There will be more items that provide stat bonuses in the future. It's easier to keep things low and ramp them up than it is to have some crazy bonus and then take it away.
Damn.... and here I thought I was done training res......


(2009.Jul.02 08:45 AM)Canosoup Wrote: [ -> ]Damn.... and here I thought I was done training res......
Redface its ok bro
i dont understand them Neutral then again i never do
i was wondering about the new skill... does it help with jail busting?
Thanks Zenith, Differently a new direction for AL.
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