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Full Version: AL's newest weapon? The BA-K-47
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Zen could you get working on this ASAP please!
I do not understand the world's fascination with bacon. I simply do not.
(2009.Jun.30 08:13 PM)NastyFO Wrote: [ -> ]I do not understand the world's fascination with bacon. I simply do not.

It's delicious.
As a rifle user I support this thread!


Where can i buy that gun ill bid 10mil off the top...Winky
09.June.28 -- Upgraded item equip code for upcoming new restrictions on new items.

09.June.27 -- Upgraded item information pages to display upcoming new restrictions on new items.

Zen's one step ahead of you lol


A friend of mine once said something very wise "There is no food that cannot be made better by either chocolate or bacon." I have found this to be true pretty much always. Then I found my vegan girlfriend whom gets noxious at the smell of bacon and is lactose she worked in a vet clinic and knows how much smarter pigs are then dogs. Ahh what a world.
(2009.Jun.30 08:18 PM)Accipender Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Jun.30 08:13 PM)NastyFO Wrote: [ -> ]I do not understand the world's fascination with bacon. I simply do not.

It's delicious.

Watch and love.
[Image: 633703058047310760-baconheaveninheaventh...ttacks.jpg]
(2009.Jul.01 06:13 AM)bconrad56 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Jun.30 08:18 PM)Accipender Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Jun.30 08:13 PM)NastyFO Wrote: [ -> ]I do not understand the world's fascination with bacon. I simply do not.

It's delicious.

Watch and love.

thats hilarious. and true.
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