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Full Version: w00t GO CONRAD!!!!!!!
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8:55 am Conrad busted you out of jail. Delete
8:55 am BadLuck got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
8:55 am WarDogKradha got caught trying to bust you out of jail.
8:54 am LrrLtt got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
8:54 am LrrLtt tried to bust you out of jail but failed.
8:45 am spacebird got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
8:37 am screamingeagle got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
8:37 am Conrad got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
8:35 am Ronin got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
8:30 am Reknak got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
8:29 am Zhuy got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
8:26 am spacebird got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
8:24 am NestaVipers got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
8:11 am Reknak got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
8:08 am snorkelbill got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
8:05 am Ronin got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
8:04 am Reknak tried to bust you out of jail but failed. Delete
8:04 am NestaVipers got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
8:00 am Zhuy got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
8:00 am Ronin tried to bust you out of jail but failed. Delete
7:55 am Jolabent got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
7:54 am Dingus got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
7:53 am Dingus got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
7:51 am spacebird got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
7:47 am Conrad got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
7:43 am snorkelbill got caught trying to bust you out of jail. Delete
I can't bust that high, or I would have tried...


How many mins were in for when he busted you?
i dont remember.... 584?
I tried when you were at about 611
I'll guess 551 since I failed at 8:08 and she was in for 598 mins at that point.


Conrad has little girly fingers...better for lockpicking!


(2009.Jun.29 02:24 PM)TheMace Wrote: [ -> ]Conrad has little girly fingers...better for lockpicking!

i typically dynamite the outside wall.
I thought you used grenades
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