You sent a Febiani EH301 to RetiredJohnRambo's storage.

I need to borrow a belt, now. -Doesn't use 'em.-
(2009.Jun.30 03:46 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Aww.
I need to borrow a belt, now. -Doesn't use 'em.-
Why I need a belt, or why I don't use 'em?
That poor Biff. He really is old and dusty. About got whipped, even with zerking me.

You pound Behemoth to a bloody pulp. Your blood lust isn't quenched however, and you continue to pulverize your opponent until exhausted. After catching your breath you stagger off.
Experience Earned : 0
Hospitalization Time : 233
:> Anyone can zerk someone, ScardyBiff. Anyone can run away after one of those, too. Can't beat me with a leave or a mug anymore.
Wont matter.I am not using armor either.I can sit in 40 district,train all day,by the time you hit 40 it will be the same old story for old mothyball.I could probably train 5000 dev a day,doing 14 hours.Won't take long to be back there again.

Yep. Hide, and be scared, Biff.

I'll just relax and know the sad truth that you're a bitch.