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Full Version: Thank you Zen and Err
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Quote:Word on the street is there will be a gymboree tomorrow.

thank you very much Smile


yeppers , thank you both
+1 On that!!!!


Oh my God !!!!

An added 3% to my gym trains !!!

Really ?!?!?!

(2009.Jun.25 07:57 PM)Marlo Wrote: [ -> ]Oh my God !!!!

An added 3% to my gym trains !!!

Really ?!?!?!


free 3%!
and as usual...on a Friday. that sux.

yes, someone will always find something to bitch about. Smile


(2009.Jun.25 08:16 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]and as usual...on a Friday. that sux.

yes, someone will always find something to bitch about. Smile

Maybe you should change it for Connie. There should be some perk to having rank 10 military, I means seriously...
Getting 138 per train today, 133 yestereday. Do a credit refresh train and everyday is gym day.

Why are the bennys so low this time?
me personally i enjoy the Zone trainer. being a borg i have low happiness so being able to keep it full is a HUGE benefit to me.
(2009.Jun.26 03:51 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Getting 138 per train today, 133 yestereday. Do a credit refresh train and everyday is gym day.

Why are the bennys so low this time?

maybe cause we had the other gym day earlier this month. just a guess.
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