I think the education will be as good as the new job system. I also think that a lot more thought will have to go into your game - it wont be just trian, crime, forum, work etc.
The gang system should be changed again and more work on the cyborg thing would be good.
Im thinking that we will see a more diverse range of character builds. At the moment there are really only two out there and that is kind of disappointing.
I also think in the future we will see a more player driven economy. Perhaps even going so far as to earn money for Busting people out of jail, using your special career abilities on other players.
I want to see more items, ammo types for ranged combat would be great((thanks Druchii for that one)), But if you are going to do that then give some melee weapons abilities as well. For example you say that the new whip has the ability to stun an opponent. give that item a 5% chance that when it hits your opponent loses its next attack
I am sure we will eventually see more crimes and organised crimes but how about taking it one step further and when you create the gang you choose one something like specializing in a drug ring. Your scientist then have to help produce stronger/better /more addictive drugs for your gang to sell. you get a gang payout once a week for you specialized crime depending on how much they invested.
I Hope we will also see the expansion of Jack Morts gang to match the trend in gangs now, perhaps even give the ability to rob certain game businesses such as Ares as an organized crime where you can possibly ( low Chance, and large gang) find limited edition items such as the sic armor, or ionized axes.
Ohhh for melee, the ability to put poisons on the blade, damaging the opponent for a varying amount depends on poison.
Or stun, if you manage to stun opponent you are guaranteed a hit next attack with a 25% higher chance of a critical strike
endless possibilities

Loving the ideas, keep them coming.
Saering message just gave me a vision of instead of just having a job... you actually work for a player.
Say Saerin is an owner of a buisness, I work for him generating him 5k dailly from busting people (Using his idea in his post) and he has to compete with others, having companys dieing out due to lack of prisoners through a more active gang busting them quicker, and other buisnesses paying busting buisnesses 20k weeklly to keep them out of jail whenever they're in... dunno how it would work but I thought it sounded pretty cool.
ahh yeah you mean like:
I work for the military, and too collect my weekly fee of 500-15000 depending on work rank, I have to do tasks sent to me in mail from my employer, f.ex do hit on NPC or another player, that my chief has a problem with.
Or do f.ex 20 meth crimes within a 1-2 day time frame.
Or train up 1000dev points in dexterity to fit the profile of a good soldier.
Or attack a hideout and weaken it, f.ex a NPC hideout thats threatening the military base
would love that, some generic assignments sent in mail, and failure to comply could ressult in losing a job rank, lost payment maybe a set amount of work points, that could result in a lower work rank.
Saerin Wrote:I am sure we will eventually see more crimes and organised crimes but how about taking it one step further and when you create the gang you choose one something like specializing in a drug ring. Your scientist then have to help produce stronger/better /more addictive drugs for your gang to sell. you get a gang payout once a week for you specialized crime depending on how much they invested.
I Hope we will also see the expansion of Jack Morts gang to match the trend in gangs now, perhaps even give the ability to rob certain game businesses such as Ares as an organized crime where you can possibly ( low Chance, and large gang) find limited edition items such as the sic armor, or ionized axes.
yes i do think that gangs should be able to produce something, it could be weapons, drugs, armor, just about anyting but i would like to see gangs competing to sell some form of merchandise.
oh and i love the idea of poison blades and different bullets.
what about the ability to duel wield smaller guns and swords but with increased lvl requirements?
more in depth professions?
Yer, like that Druchii. Actual jobs that you can get the feel of actual doing rather than pressing the button...
I also liked the idea of different outcomes in attacks, that's seeable in the future... like a melee fighting a ranged, obviouslly it will be hard for the ranged to shoot at the melee when he's chopping him up with a sword so "Badmanbren smacks Druchii in the goalies with his gun for 6 damage, Druchii resists for 2 damage but is stunned from the low blow" lol.
Something like that.
Im hoping for a complete overhaul of the school/class system with better options and choices.
i foresee WWIII coming it has been a while since it has happened ,the game seems to evolving more everyweek,some upgrades that we barely noticed,alot of the ideas i have seen i see being used not far in the future of the game,even being able to give a good description and avater for the players,being able to attack with two diff weapons,as for cyborgs i feel they will be anouther attack without notice,as for the jack mort gang i feel there will be new recruits soon in his gang,for what i would love to see it is being able to use tatics and to be able to specialize in a weapon ,giving a bonus for that weapon when used by that player,also having to go to school to specialize in that weapon and have reqiurments to be able to ,
I'd like to see more laser/blaster based guns