i was talking to an older character a lil earlier and he was telling me at some point int time there was a combat contest btwn ppl solely youre level.
does anyone rember it how did it work? was it any fun?
499er contest. I was too much of a newb at the time to qualify.
Great contest by the 499ers.
i was a lvl 16 i think when i took part.
people who participated, please explain more?
(2009.Jun.24 04:33 PM)buuddha Wrote: [ -> ]people who participated, please explain more?
you competed against people your level
then there was somewhat of a semifinal against the winners in a 3 level range
some of the upper levels competed in ranges of 4 or 5 levels because there weren't enough people to compete
I think Chris was the winner since though Pullo gave it to him (no way chris could have really won) I think the highest levels back then were mid 30's
the total prize pool was 499k
each fight was best 3 out of 5 and the winner moved on in a bracket style format
it was a lot of work getting people coordinated and in the end the complaints outweighed the compliments for a FREE contest for FREE money
you'd almost have to combine levels now, though. sounded like it was fun.
(2009.Jun.24 04:54 PM)g2o2d4wp Wrote: [ -> ]it was a lot of work getting people coordinated and in the end the complaints outweighed the compliments for a FREE contest for FREE money
i see now why it hasnt ever happened again.
the complaint dept always fills up when there is something free. dunno why, but it does